Return Policy

At Excitesmate, your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities. We strive to provide high-quality products and exceptional customer service. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help. Please read our return policy carefully.

Some of the things in the selection of items can’t be returned, for example, unpacked electronic media items such as batteries (CDs, digital media, sound and video clips, and so on), and fluid items like (massage oils, personal lubes, household cleaning items, toy cleansers, shower gels, breast enhancement creams, penis enlargement gels and so on)

Replacement of the products can take up to fourteen days to twenty days to receive the items after you request the replacement.

All fluid items that were vandalized and spilled at the time of shipment are qualified for return or replacement without making you pay any extra charges. Our client support agents would give you the most ultimate assistance in event of such unwanted occurrences. If there should be an occurrence of liquid-based products being damaged the replacement of the items will remain active only 3 days after the shipment has been made successfully.

For any questions or concerns regarding our return policy, please contact our Customer Service team at [Customer Service Email] or call us at [Customer Service Phone Number]. We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth return process.

Thank you for shopping with Excitesmate. Your satisfaction is our priority!

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